Volume 3, issue 1 (April 2015)
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Editorial Scientific Committee
Civic engagement profiles and youth membership in associations: implications for marketing in the nonprofit sector
J.L. Vázquez, A. Lanero, P. Gutiérrez, M.P. García
The subjective quality of life and the cultural activities
I. Ercsey, L. Józsa
The role of market segmentation in public library management
I. Ferenčić-Martinčić, M. Ferenčić, A. Šikulec
Croatian image analysis through film industry as a macromarketing tool
B. Jurič, I. Maloča, R. Bodulić
Strategic sustainability: bailing out the future from today
C.N. Emezi
Evolution and modification of foreign finance providing in Iran legal system
G. Nabi Feyze Chakab, I. Taghizade, A. Fahimi, K. Khodadadi Dashtaki
Development and promotion of tourism activities in the Bulgarian District of Sliven
B. Stoykova, J.L. Vázquez, I. Georgiev